Every Credit situation is unique. That is why one of our legal credit repair Account managers will be assigned to work strategically in customizing and innovating, a modern credit restoration solution for your unique situation.
Our life changing free consultations allow our experts to listen to your unique situation and what your dream credit score is.
That way we can determine the best steps for your personalized credit restoration resolution. We explain how to optimize your report by using the techniques for paying bills that will fit your budget thus moving you closer to your dream credit score.
In order to provide a detailed plan of action we require your full credit report form the three major credit reporting bureaus (Equifax, Trans Union & Experian).
This includes the types of accounts you have used, your payment history and other necessary information that is reported to the credit bureaus by both your creditors and lenders. These reports are what determine your scores. They show which questionable negative items if any have been removed from your credit so far. The reports can be faxed, emailed, or mailed To Legal Credit Repair.
Once the investigation stage has been completed the assigned Credit Repair Account Manager will organize a plan that will help liquidate & recapitalize your credit.
We start the detailed plan of action that will give you the outcome you desire. Every Credit Repair case has it’s own unique Resolution stages your assigned legal credit repair account manager will go over with you. During this process, we make sure to: